Thursday, March 18, 2010

Welcome Laurie Weaver to the CCHL Family!

CCHL is excited to announce our NEW massage therapist, Laurie Weaver! She is trained specific for cancer patients and survivors and will have appointments available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons beginning at 12:45!

About Laurie:

Laurie was born and raised here in Peoria in 1960. She graduated from Richwoods High School in 1978 then went to Judson University in Elgin, IL and got a BS in Psychology. Laurie married Chuck Weaver in 1985 and together we have been a part of several small business ventures. The one she was most involved with was Leo's Flowers. Laurie owned that with her sister for about 8 years. She have 3 children (Jesse-22, Annie-20 and Travis 17). Travis will graduate from HS this spring and she and Chuck are soon to have an "empty nest". A couple of years ago she started realizing how close this time was coming. In thinking about what she wanted to do next Laurie decided to move towards Oncology Massage. Laurie graduated from ICC with my certificate in Therapeutic Massage this past December. As for her other interests she likes to cook, garden, read, snow ski, walk (especially outdoors) and spend time with my family and friends. She enjoys volunteer work at her church (Northwoods Community Church), Young Life and the Book Buddy Program at Irving School. Her biggest claim to fame is being Chuck Weaver's wife for almost 25 years!!

Benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients may include:

  • Pain Reduction
  • Increase Relaxation
  • Stimulate Lymphatic System
  • Reduce Muscle Tension
  • Feel Better, Do Better
If you are interested in an appointment, please call (309) 693-8139. The charge is $25 for an hour.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Volunteers Needed!

On March 19th we will be putting together our Spirit of Living invitations and we need your help! We will begin around 9am and continue until they are DONE. If you are interested in helping, please call 693-8139 or e-mail me at!

The more the merrier! Lunch will also be included =)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Tai Ji Retreat!

This year-- the Cancer Center for Healthy Living will be hosting its 11th Annual Prairie Treasures "Working with Metal" Spring Tai Ji Retreat!

The Retreat will be led by Cielle Tewksbury. She received her undergraduate degree from Norwich University in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Cross Cultural Dance Anthropology.

She received her dance training from the American School of Dance and the Bella Lewitsky Dance Company. Sifu Tsuei Wei at the Academy of Chinese Culture in San Francisco and Lawrence Galante were her instructors in Tai Chi Chaum.

She is a Senior instructor Tai Ji Master, Chungliang Al Huang. As co-creator and presenter at the Annual Fall Retreat for Women, Ms. Tewskbury offers workshops in Mythology, Movement and Symbolism. She currently conducts classes in Tai Ji and Yoga in Vermont and offers seminars in Europe and the US.

The Retreat will be held at the Wildlife Prairie State Park on Saturday & Sunday, April 10th and 11th.

: 9am-9:15am
Workshop: 9:30am-NOON
Lunch (Included): NOON-1:30pm
Workshop: 1:30pm-4:30pm

Workshop: 9am-NOON

The Cost for both days is $120.00
The Cost for Saturday ONLY: $80.00
The Cost for Sunday ONLY: $60.00

Please Register today by logging on to our website under SPECIAL EVENTS or stop by our office at 5215 N. Knoxville Avenue.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Home Run Challenge Again!

Get excited! The Home Run Challenge to benefit CCHL has begun again! The challenge is between the Chicago Cubs, St. Louis Cardinals and the Chicago White Sox!

We are asking that each of you pledge a fixed amount of money on EACH home run your team hits during the 2010 MLB Baseball Season! Last year we had individuals pledge anywhere from .10 all the way to $10! We raised $15,000 because of it!

Sign up today at and click Special Events and Home Run Challenge. You can pledge as little or as much as you would like, every penny helps!