First thing is first, the Cancer Center for Healthy Living is a non-profit organization located in the heart of Peoria, Illinois! We offer FREE services to cancer patients, survivors and their caregivers!!!
We offer a variety of resources including: Individual and Family Counseling, Group/Networking Counseling, Individual Nutritional Advice, Group Cooking Demonstrations, Cancer Basics 101: Everything you need to know about cancer! educational workshops, Healthy Living Classes such as Yoga, Tai Ji, Aerobics and Strength Training, a Resource Library and friendly faces!
We are here to help EVERYONE touched by cancer live life to the fullest. If you have been touched in any way by cancer, we are here for you!
Our main office is located inside the Hult Health Education Building on 5215 N Knoxville Avenue and our satellite office (which is where our counselor and dietician are located) is located inside the Peoria Cancer Center on Route 91.
Stop by today and pick up our newsletter and additional information!